The days of giant egos, creative saviours and one-man-bands are over. Modern agencies understand that we live in a collab world where agency staff must work seamlessly across all disciplines, agencies must play nicely with other roster agencies and, most importantly, agency and client must work clearly, openly and collaboratively to build maximum value. To combat growing xenophobia as a result of the Coronavirus, The Chinese Canadian National Council for Social Justice teamed up with The Hive to launch “Stop the Spread”, a campaign featuring a hand sanitizer with custom warning messages about combating racism.
Writers: Ted Rakoczy | Andy Krupski | Rick Shaver |Trent Fulton | Jennifer Lukas | Simon Creet |Skye Brain | Meghan Kraemer | Cameron Stark | Sarah Almond | Yilma Campbell | Mitch Duesling |Troy Hayball | Davinder Dhillon